Instructions of rope grab

Pageviews: Release Time:2018-02-02

1. To use grab the must comply with the safety of crane operation.
2. Uses
2-1. The initial, daily use
 Crane safety inspection of the load
 Wedge wire rope inspection, the installation of rope clip whether the technical requirements and found that loose fasteners in a timely manner. Shackle such as deformation, damage to the nut rope clip, framentation , ultra-wear, and so on need to be replaced.
 For no-load test, part of the roation should be flexible and grab opening and closing with ease.
3. Operation
3-1. Instructions
 Crawl grab operation, if there is obstruction grab closed, to build the closure of abuse grab a standstill at this time, to re-open the grab, grab check whether other non-crawling crawling materials.
4. Stop
 Grab out, grab should be running water, grab a close, grab a longer period of time if no work, grab the hinge point should be enough to grease.
5. Reuse
 Plsease comply with next part 2 all that matters
 Check grab to prevent accidents.

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