The grapple crane is suitable for loading materials

Pageviews: Release Time:2017-11-21

The grapple crane is suitable for loading materials
In the field of cranes we all know that its role is considerable, not to mention its other advantages, save time and effort on this point is enough to let people put it down. So in a large number of crane equipment, we see a variety of forms, different sites, different loading materials, the use of the crane are not the same. So today we want to introduce is the terminal, the port used by the grab crane, which is mainly reproduced what items? Mechanical grab
Grab crane is an automatic extraction machinery, its grasping and unloading material movements are controlled by the ship unloader driver, no auxiliary personnel, thus avoiding the heavy labor of workers, saving the auxiliary work time, greatly improving the Loading and unloading efficiency. Grab crane is a crane equipped with grab, widely used in ports, docks, railway yard, mines and other aspects of loading a variety of bulk cargo, logs, minerals, coal, aggregate, earth and stone.

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